Please welcome the newest member of our clan FUCK ME RED lol I still need to get his {WCD} Name.
If you would like to use mods if you are in this clan please email me and tell me what the mod is called and what it does.Any mods that are from planet avp will be alright because I have personally looked all of those mods on the mod of the week section. |
This clan is made up of marines,predators and aliens no corporates.
When you join my clan your screen name should say WCD then what ever you want after that i.e. WCD Clown Dancer.Also you must have msn messenger to join so you can keep in touch with other clan mates and discuss avp.Also if you have a problem with another clan let the leader (myself) handle the problem with their leader.I am hoping we wont have any problems with other clans.There is no signup sheet or anything to join just send me an email of what class you play as and what your screen name is going to be so I can put you in the roster. |
Here is where I will be notifying you on new enhancements on the site and updates.
Any questions or comments about the site or the clan please contact me.
Any mods or skins that you have made please send them right on in.This will be greatly apreciated!Also the site we be fully updated once a week every friday.
Check out the message board post and respond to messages left by other users :)!just click on a subject and post something about it please make sure your posts go in the proper topic!
AvP News
Clan Talk

DAMNIT WHERE'S MY MASK!!!!! (The predator above was having some trouble's with his mask and decided to vent his anger by throwing his mask about 40 metre's away looks like he meant up with some marines while looking for it)
Just a little humor i thought I would add (:
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